Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Value Range - Typeface/Logo Development

The logo needs to have an element of green white and black in it so that it reflects the Asda logo.

Still experimenting with type, but putting it into context helps for analysis.
 Quick stall and change of plan:

Me and Charlotte thought simplicities would also be an ice name even though we have already chosen our brand name. Here are a few logo ideas.
Green leaf for nature and needs.

Bolder typeface with lower case lettering gives the logo a 'cute' and naive sense.

Playing around with type and placement of lettering.

In the end I cane up with the opposite of a 'simple' logo image.

Placing the logo onto a product makes it easier to picture what it would be like in real life. Black bold box enhances the packaging as a whole and makes you read the brand name first.

The type seems a bit too harsh with the back box, however I really like the typeface. It is clean, modern but not boring.

Adding the green to reflect the Asda brand didn't work as well as planned. Possibly just the Asda logo itself should be in green.

Experimentation with green placements and gradients.

Adding a slight gradient to the type gives the logo more of a feeling of depth and less flat.

I really like this logo with the clouring ad gradients, however I don't think it is perhaps perfect for a supermarket logo. It makes me think more of diversity ad not necessities.

Asda Simplicity logo abbreviation.

After a long think we have decided to keep the Necessities name for the branding. We feel it looks and sounds better. It also describes the brand better in one word. Using the word simplicity could give connotation of less quality because it is simple and we want to advertise the fact that it IS still good quality even though it is lower priced.

I am experimenting with the font Altera, as it is my favorite for the job so far. Charlotte is experimenting with Avaloc as shes feels that is best. We will put out ideas together when we have finished to see which we prefer.

Charl's font.

Colour integration looks good, however it does remind me of the clothing rage that Asda have.

Adding a simple circle to represent the fullness of the brand and how this is the only brand you NEED to buy. Gradient give it depth and looks more interesting. The black box round the type works well but not sure if it is to harsh against the background.

White font looks soft and natural.

Incorporating the circle into the whole of the logo works well and drives the message.

I think this design is OK, it looks slightly dated however, and we want to design something that is cutting edge, new and interesting for customers to want to buy.

Incorporating the black with the circles looks too harsh colour wise and sort of like a tube station logo.

Slicing off the top to include the Asda logo looks slightly over the top, it therefore give the word Asda more focus than the actual necessities brand.
Scaled down black box works well, but still doesn't scream supermarket brand.

Black circle is too harsh against the background and makes the type less readable.

Logo is starting to come together now, the mix of all colours green white and black compliment each other without overshadowing another.

Asda looks better in green as it looks more natural, healthy and trustworthy.

Stripping back everything and just using the type. I think this looks really effective, however quite normal and overdone as an idea and I think the pasta makes the logo look nicer because it looks nice itself. Placing it on a tin can would b a different story because the logo would have to speak for itself and up sell the tin can not the other way round.

Adding the logo onto packaging again helps me to see that it is working well however the whole thing still looks a little bit too bold and harsh. I want it to look more natural.

Changing the typeface to white and making the middle sized circle transparent to the background encourages the idea of fresh and healthy. My design is on the left and Cahrlott's is on the right. She liked my idea of the circle and it representing the wholeness and continuity of the brand so she used her typeface with it. We decided that both of our logos were a bit too dark and lacked something. We agreed that the Altera typeface was easier to read and friendlier on the eye. Below is the final logo design we have made.

Final Logo Design:

Final Logo Design. The green circles use the colour from the original Asda logo with a gradient added for depth. The middle ring is clear to show through to the contents. Asda is in black because it reflects and helps create continuity with the product information below. By chance me and Charlotte both started using the font Didot for the main information. We both feel it works well and so are going to use this for the rest of the packaging designs. The information needs to be clear and trustworthy, Didot does a perfect job whilst still being interesting and beautiful to look at.

We will obviously have to make a few tweaks with the logo for different products depending on the materials used, but this is the guide we will be using for every product in the range.

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